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Ningbo Maritime Court Litigation Guide

发表于 2019-3-29 10:33:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ningbo Maritime Court Litigation Guide
Background: In 2016, the Supreme People's Court proposed a new goal of building an international maritime judicial centre in China. To achieve this goal, we shall base ourselves on China's current situation, objectively analyze our current shortcomings. We shall also adopt a global vision and an open attitude, benchmark ourselves against international standards and formulate a long-term strategy to gradually promote the construction of international maritime judicial centre. Among which, creating a fair, transparent and predictable legal environment is the key to enhancing China's judicial credibility and gradually becoming a widely accepted and recognized global resolution hub for maritime disputes.
Purpose: With the aim of creating a fair, transparent and predictable maritime judicial environment, and providing standard, meticulous and international maritime litigation services in Zhejiang Province, our court prepared Ningbo Maritime Court Litigation Guide (The Guide) in both Chinese and English.
The Guide covers 4 parts. The first part is about the diversified dispute resolution system, which introduces a variety of efficient, convenient and low-cost non-litigation dispute resolution methods promoted and advocated by our court. The second part is about ordinary maritime litigation procedures. It introduces the ordinary procedures for trying maritime and admiralty cases in the headquarters and the 3 tribunals of our court. The third part is about special maritime litigation procedures, which emphasizes the detailed proceedings and frequently asked questions in practice of several special maritime procedures. The last part details the various aspects of the enforcement procedure. Each part contains a brief introduction to the procedure and practice guidance.
本诉讼指南主要针对海事海商案件。本院的案件受理范围还包括海事行政案件, 2017年本院还依照最高人民法院指定管辖试点审理了首例海事刑事案件,但因对该海事行政案件和海事刑事案件的审理尚在起步尝试阶段,故未在本诉讼指南中作介绍。
The Guide is mainly for maritime and admiralty cases. The jurisdiction of our court also includes the maritime administrative case. Our court also tried the first maritime criminal case designated by the Supreme People’s Court last year. However, considering the trial work of maritime administrative case and maritime criminal case are still in the initial stage, they are not introduced in The Guide.
We hope that The Guide can provide a useful reference for Chinese and foreign litigants and lawyers who come to our court for litigation. We will regularly update The Guide in accordance with the latest laws and regulations. At the same time, we welcome your valuable suggestions and comments on any possible omissions and inaccuracies of The Guide.

Disclaimer: The Guide should be seen as providing reference only to Chinese and foreign litigants and lawyers. It is not in any way a substitute of relevant procedure laws and associated judicial explanations, and should not fetter the discretion of the Judge.
The Guide is available for download at the bilingual website of our court.
Table of Contents
Part 1 多元纠纷解决机制
Part 1 Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanism
1.1. 诉前调解
1.1. Pre-suit Mediation
1.2. 确认调解协议
1.2. Judicial Confirmation of Mediation Agreement
1.3. 承认和执行仲裁裁决
1.3. Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards
1.3.1. 程序
1.3.1. Procedure
1.3.2. 需要提交的材料
1.3.2. Materials Needed
1.3.3. 费用
1.3.3. Fees
1.4. 在线多元纠纷解决平台
1.4. Online Diversified Dispute Resolution Platform
Part 2 常规诉讼流程
Part 2 General Proceedings
2.1. 海事海商案件诉讼程序架构
2.1. The Procedural Framework for Maritime and Admiralty Cases
2.2. 起诉
2.2. Initiating a Lawsuit
2.2.1. Conditions must be Met
2.2.2. 需要提交的材料和遵循的要求
2.2.2. Documents Required and Requirements to be Followed
2.2.3. 提交起诉的方式
2.2.3. Methods Available to File a Lawsuit
2.2.4. 本院咨询电话
2.2.4. Helpline of Our Court
2.3. 应诉
2.3. Responding to an Action
2.3.1 被告应/可采取的行动
2.3.1. Measures the Defendant shall/may Take
2.4. 本院的管辖范围及受理案件范围
2.4. The Jurisdiction of Our Court
2.4.1. 管辖区域
2.4.1. Jurisdictional Areas
2.4.2. 受理案件范围
2.4.2. Scope of Cases to be Entertained
2.5. 证据
2.5. Evidence
2.5.1. 收集证据
2.5.1. Collecting Evidence
2.5.2. 提交证据
2.5.2. Submitting Evidence 期限 Time Limit 形式要求 Form Requirements
2.6. 期间和送达
2.6. Time Limit and Service
2.6.1. 期间
2.6.1. Time Limit
2.6.2. 送达
2.6.2. Service
2.7. 保全和先予执行
2.7. Preservation and Advanced Enforcement
2.7.1. 诉前财产保全
2.7.1. Pre-suit Preservation
2.7.2. 先予执行
2.7.2. Advanced Enforcement
2.7.3. 诉讼保全
2.7.3. Litigation Preservation
2.7.4. 船舶保全
2.7.4. Preservation of Ship
2.7.5. 保全财产解除
2.7.5. Removal of the Property Preservation
2.7.6. 担保方式
2.7.6. Types of Security
2.7.7. 复议
2.7.7. Reconsideration
2.7.8. 保全、先予执行错误的后果
2.7.8. Result of Wrong Preservation and Advanced Enforcement
2.7.9. 海事请求保全
2.7.9. Preservation of Maritime Claims
2.8. 诉讼费用
2.8. Litigation Cost
2.8.1. 种类和计算
2.8.1. Categories and Calculation
2.8.2. 诉讼费用交纳和承担
2.8.2. Payment and Assumption of Litigation Costs
2.8.3. 司法救助
2.8.3. Judicial Aid
2.9. 一审审判程序
2.9. Trial Procedures of First Instance
2.9.1. 适用程序种类
2.9.1. Types of Procedures
2.9.2. 普通程序的庭审流程
2.9.2. Proceedings of Trial for Cases Applying Ordinary Procedure
2.9.3. 简易程序的庭审流程
2.9.3. Proceedings of Trial for Cases Applying Summary Procedure
2.9.4. 程序转换
2.9.4. Procedure Switch
2.9.5. 中止诉讼和终结诉讼
2.9.5. Suspension and Termination of Litigation
2.9.6. 审限
2.9.6. Trial Time-limit
2.10. 上诉
2.10. Appeal
2.10.1. 如何上诉
2.10.1. How to Appeal
2.10.2. 需要提交的材料和遵循的要求
2.10.2. Documents Required and Requirements to be Followed
2.10.3. 上诉程序概要
2.10.3. Briefs of the Appeal Procedure
2.11. 再审
2.11. Retrial
2.11.1. 如何启动再审
2.11.1. How to Initiate a Retrial
2.11.2. 再审程序概要
2.11.2. Briefs of Retrial Procedure
2.11.3. 再审的效力
2.11.3. Effect of Retrial
2.12. 督促程序—支付令
2.12. Procedure for Hastening Debt Recovery – Order of Payment
2.12.1. 适用范围
2.12.1. Scope of Application
2.12.2. Application for Order of Payment
2.12.3. 效力
2.12.3. Effect
2.13. 公示催告程序
2.13. Procedure for Public Notice for Assertion of Claims
2.13.1. 适用范围
2.13.1. Scope of Application
2.13.2. 申请公示催告
    2.13.2. Application for Public Notice for Assertion of Claims
2.13.3. 效力
2.13.3. Effect
Part 3 海事诉讼特别程序
Part 3 The Special Maritime Procedure
3.1. 海事请求保全
3.1. Preservation of Maritime Claims
3.1.1. 船舶扣押
3.1.1. Ship Arrest 扣押船舶的条件 Conditions of Arresting a Ship 可以扣哪些船? What Kinds of Ship are Permitted to be Arrested? 如何申请扣船? How to File an Arrest Application? 船舶扣押期限 Time Limit for Arrest of Ship 船舶扣押期间费用由谁负担? Who is Liable for Managing the Ship during the Arrest Period? 司法拍卖 Judicial Sale of Ship
3.1.2. 扣押船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料
3.1.2. Attachment of Cargoes, Ship Fuel Oil, and Ship Materials 扣押条件 Condition 船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料扣押期限 Time Limit for Attachment of Cargoes, Ship Fuel Oil, and Ship Materials 如何申请拍卖船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料 How to Apply for Auction of Cargoes, Ship Fuel Oil, and Ship Materials?
3.2. 海事强制令
3.2. Maritime Injunction
3.2.1. 海事强制令的适用范围
3.2.1. Application Scope of Maritime Injunction
3.2.2. 如何申请海事强制令
3.2.2. How to Apply for Maritime Injunction?
3.2.3. 海事强制令申请错误的后果
3.2.3. Consequences of Wrongful Application of Maritime Injunction
3.3. 海事证据保全
3.3. Preservation of Maritime Evidence
3.4. 海事担保
3.4. Maritime Security
3.4.1. 担保方式
3.4.1. Types of Security
3.4.2. 担保的方式和数额由谁决定?
3.4.2. Who Determines the Type and Amount of Security?
3.4.3. 申请扣押船舶须提供多少数额的担保?
3.4.3. What Amount of Security is Required for Physical Arrest of Ship?
3.5. 部分海事海商案件审判程序的特别规定
3.5. Special Provisions for Trial of Several Maritime and Admiralty Cases
3.5.1. 船舶碰撞案件审判程序的特别规定
3.5.1. Special Provisions for Trial of Collision Cases
3.5.2. 共同海损案件审判程序的特别规定
3.5.2. Special Provisions for Trial of General Average Cases
3.5.3. 海上保险人行使代位请求赔偿权审判程序的特别规定
3.5.3. Special Provisions for Trial of Exercising Subrogation Right by Marine Insurers
3.6. 设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的程序
3.6. Procedures for Constitution of Limitation Fund for Maritime Claims
3.6.1. 哪些主体有权主张海事赔偿责任限制、可申请设立责任限制基金?
3.6.1. Who is Entitled to Ascertain the Right to Limitation Liability for Maritime Claims and Apply for Constitution of Limitation Fund?
3.6.2. 必须设立责任限制基金吗?
3.6.2. Is It a Must to Constitute a Limitation Fund?
3.6.3. 申请设立责任限制基金的期间
3.6.3. Time limit for Application of Constitution of Limitation fund
3.6.4. 向哪个海事法院提起申请设立责任限制基金?
3.6.4. Which Maritime Court could be Applied for Constitution of Limitation Fund?
3.6.5. 应提交的材料及遵循的要求
3.6.5. Documents Required and Requirements to be Followed
3.6.6. 设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的流程
3.6.6. Proceedings for Constitution of Limitation Fund
3.6.7. 设立基金的方式
3.6.7. Methods of Constitution of Limitation Fund
3.6.8. 基金的数额
3.6.8. Amount of Limitation Fund
3.6.9. Effect of Constitution of Limitation Fund
3.7. 债权登记与受偿程序
3.7. Procedure for Credit Registration and Repayment of Debts
3.7.1. 如何申请债权登记
3.7.1. How to Apply for Credit Registration
3.7.2. 未按时申请债权登记的后果
3.7.2. Consequences of not Applying for Credit Registration on Time
3.7.3. 确权诉讼
3.7.3. Action for Affirming Maritime Claims
3.7.4. 如何分配船舶拍卖款和责任限制基金?
3.7.4. How to Distribute the Sale Proceeds of Auctioned Ship and the Limitation Fund?
3.8. 船舶优先权催告程序
3.8. Procedure for Public Notice for Assertion of Maritime Liens
Part 4 执行
Part 4 Enforcement
4.1. Jurisdiction
4.1.1. General Regulations
4.1.2. Choosing Jurisdiction
4.2. 申请
4.2. Application
4.2.1. General Regulations of the Time Limit for Applying for Enforcement
4.2.2. The General Form Requirements for Application Enforcement
4.2.3. The Special Form Requirements for Application Enforcement
4.2.4. The Essential Requirements of the Application for Enforcement
4.3. 代理
4.3. Agent
4.3.1. 执行案件的委托代理
4.3.1. Entrusted Agent in Enforcement
4.3.2. 委托代理手续
4.3.2. Entrusted Agency Procedures 外籍当事人的委托代理 Entrusted Agency of Foreign Parties 外籍当事人的委托代理手续 Entrusted Agency Procedures of Foreign Parties 港澳台当事人的委托代理手续 Entrusted Agency Procedures of the Parties from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
4.4. 执行担保
4.4. Enforcement Security
4.4.1. 一般规定
4.4.1. General Provisions
4.4.2. 暂缓执行
4.4.2. The Suspension of the Enforcement
4.4.3. 执行担保的效力
4.4.3. The Effect of the Enforcement Security
4.5. 执行和解
4.5. Enforcement Reconciliation
4.5.1. 一般规定
4.5.1. General Provisions
4.5.2. 执行和解后的恢复执行
4.5.2. Resume Enforcement after Reconciliation
4.6. 执行异议程序
4.6. The Objection Procedure of the Enforcement
4.6.1. 执行行为异议
4.6.1. The Enforcement Acts Objection
4.6.2. 执行行为异议的形式要件
4.6.2. The Form Requirements for the Enforcement Acts Objection
4.6.3. 案外人异议
4.6.3. The Outsiders Objection
4.6.4. 案外人异议的形式要件
4.6.4. The Form Requirements of Objection from the Outsider
4.7. 执行费用
4.7. Enforcement fee
4.7.1. 执行费用计算方式
4.7.1. Calculation of Enforcement Fee
4.7.2. 执行申请费速算表
4.7.2. The Quick Calculation Form of the Enforcement Fee
4.8. 执行风险提示
4.8. The Risk Tips of Enforcement
Part 1 多元纠纷解决机制
Part 1 Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanism
Diversified dispute resolution mechanism refers to a dispute resolution systems where various dispute resolution methods, procedures or institutions (including litigation and non-litigation) of one society coexist and coordinate. Litigation should be the last remedy. Before bringing a lawsuit to the court, the court encourages the parties to fully consider other more effective and convenient ways to resolve disputes. According to this concept, our court provides the following non-litigation judicial services: pre-suit mediation support, judicial confirmation of mediation agreement, recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, and online diversified dispute resolution platform.
{C}1.1. {C}诉前调解
i) 遵循自愿合法高效的原则,经原告同意后,在原告方提交诉讼立案材料至本院立案阶段7日内,由本院调解法官组织当事人进行调解。原告书面申请暂缓立案,延长调解时间的,予以准许。
ii) 调解可采用当场调解、委托调解和网上调解等方式进行。
iii) 本院受理的一审海事海商纠纷均可适用诉前调解,但下列案件除外:执行异议之诉、涉及船舶权属以及其他以调解方式结案可能损害案外人利益的案件、起诉时被告下落不明案件、其他不宜调解结案的案件。
ⅳ) 当事人为达成调解协议而做出的让步或者承诺不作为裁判的依据,但当事人均同意的除外。
ⅴ) 诉前调解不收取费用。
1.1. Pre-suit Mediation
i) In compliance with the principle of voluntary, lawfulness and efficiency, with the consent of claimant, within 7 days since the date when registration materials have been submitted to the registry department by the claimant, litigants will be organized by our judge for reconciliation. Written application for deferring the registration and extending the mediation period will be granted by the court.
ii) Mediation can be conducted by various methods, including meditating on the spot, meditating under entrustment, meditating online, etc.
iii) Except for the following cases, all first instance maritime cases accepted and heard by our court are applicable to pre-suit mediation: disputes over enforcement objection, disputes over ownership of ship or other cases which may prejudice the interests of person not involved in the case if closed by mediation, cases in which the defendants’ whereabouts is unknown when filed, and other cases which are unsuitable to be closed by mediation.
ⅳ) Concession or promise made by the litigant for purpose of reaching mediation agreement cannot be rendered as a basis of judgment, unless all litigants agree.
ⅴ) No fee will be charged for pre-suit mediation.
1.2. 确认调解协议
a. 违反法律、行政法规强制性规定的;
b. 侵害国家利益、社会公共利益的;
c. 侵害案外人合法权益的;
d. 损害社会公序良俗的;
e. 内容不明确,无法确认的;
f. 其他不能进行司法确认的情形。
1.2. Judicial Confirmation of Mediation Agreement
After the agreement has been reached under the mediation of Mediation Commission, the parties of the agreement can apply to our court for judicial confirmation, if they think it is necessary, within 30 days since the date when this agreement has come into force. Our court will make a decision to accept it or not within 3 days, and if accepted, the decision of whether to confirm will be made within 15 days since the date when the application has been accepted.
Situations where no confirmation will be granted for mediation agreement are as follows:
a. Laws and mandatory administration regulations have been violated;
b. National interests and public interests have been encroached;
c. Legal interests of person not involved in case have been encroached;
d. Public order and good morals have been trespassed;
e. The content is unclear and cannot be confirmed;
f. Other circumstances that no confirmation can be granted.
1.3. 承认和执行仲裁裁决
1.3.1. 程序
1.3. Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards
1.3.1. Procedure
When litigants apply to our court for recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, the ruling of recognition and enforcement will be issued within 2 months since the date of application accepted if our court decides so, unless otherwise happens, enforcement will be finished within 6 months since the date of ruling issuance. If it is decided that the awards shall be denied for recognition and enforcement, they will be gradually submitted to the Supreme People’s Court for inspection within 2 months since the date of application accepted.
1.3.2. 需要提交的材料
a. 申请承认和执行仲裁机构的仲裁裁决,应当向本院提交申请书、裁决书正本或者经证明无误的副本,有仲裁条款的合同书或仲裁协议书。
b. 申请承认和执行外国仲裁机构的仲裁裁决的,应当提交申请书、裁决书正本或者经证明无误的副本。另外,当事人提交的外文申请书、仲裁协议及其他文件,应当附有中文译本。
1.3.2. Materials Needed
a. To apply for acknowledgment and enforcement of an arbitral award, the application, the original or certified copy of the award,the contract or arbitration agreement with arbitration clauses shall be submitted to the court.
b. To apply for acknowledgment and enforcement of an arbitral award made by a foreign arbitration institution, the application, the original or certified copy of the award shall be submitted. In addition, the application, arbitration agreement and other documents in foreign language submitted by the parties shall be accompanied by a Chinese translation.
1.3.3. 费用
当事人申请承认和执行仲裁裁决的, 没有执行金额或者价额的,每件交纳50元至500元, 由法院决定;执行金额或者价额不超过1万元的,每件交纳50元;超过1万元至50万元的部分,按照1.5%交纳;超过50万元至500万元的部分,按照1%交纳;超过500万元至1000万元的部分,按照0.5%交纳;超过1000万元的部分,按照0.1%交纳。申请撤销仲裁裁决或者认定仲裁协议效力的,每件交纳400元。
1.3.3. Fees
With respect to the fee of application for recognition and enforcement of an arbitral awards, if there is no enforcement amount, the fee will be 50 yuan to 500 yuan at the discretion of the court. If the enforcement amount does not exceed 10,000 yuan, each case shall be paid 50 yuan. The part exceeding 10,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan shall be paid according to 1.5%. The part exceeding 500,000 yuan to 5 million yuan shall be paid according to 1%. The part exceeding 5 million yuan to 10 million yuan shall be paid according to 0.5%. The part exceeding 10 million yuan shall be paid according to 0.1%. Application for revoking the arbitral award or determining the validity of the arbitration agreement, the fee will be 400 yuan.
    本院同时也借助浙江矛盾纠纷多元化解平台(https://yundr.gov.cn/) ,为当事人提供在线调解服务。
1.4. Online Diversified Dispute Resolution Platform
Our court also provides online mediation service through the Online Diversified Dispute Resolution Platform (https://yundr.gov.cn/ ).
1.4. 提供在线多元纠纷解决平台
    本院同时也借助浙江矛盾纠纷多元化解平台(https://yundr.gov.cn/) ,为当事人提供在线调解服务。
1.4. Online Diversified Dispute Resolution Platform Support
Our court also provides online mediation service through the Online Diversified Dispute Resolution Platform (https://yundr.gov.cn/ ).
Part 2 常规诉讼流程
Part 2 General Proceedings
2.1. 海事海商案件诉讼程序架构
2.1. The Procedural Framework for Maritime and Admiralty Cases
Proceedings in the maritime court over maritime and admiralty case are governed by the CPL of the People’s Republic of China ( hereinafter referred to as “CPL”), and the Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China ( hereinafter referred to as “SMPL”) and their associated judicial explanations. SMPL and its judicial explanation deal specifically with proceedings of maritime and admiralty disputes. Therefore where the provisions of SMPL and its judicial explanation are applicable, such provisions shall prevail. As for foreign-related maritime disputes, where the provisions of international conventions acceded by China are different from those contained in the CPL and SMPL, the provisions of such international conventions shall apply except those on which China has made reservations.
2.2. 起诉
2.2. Initiating a Lawsuit
a. 原告是与本案有直接利害关系的公民,法人和其他组织;
b. 有明确的被告(提供被告基本信息);
c. 有具体的诉讼请求,事实和理由;
d. 本院具有管辖权。
2.2.1. Conditions must be Met
To file a maritime and admiralty case to maritime court:
a. The claimant shall be a citizen, legal person or other organization that is directly related to the case;
b. Providing an explicit defendant (provide basic information of the defendant);
c. The claimant should also specify the claim and facts and causes for the suit;
d. Our court has jurisdiction over the case.
2.2.2. 需要提交的材料和遵循的要求
2.2.2. Documents Required and Requirements to be Followed
i) 起诉状,并按照被告人数提供副本 (原告也应签署副本)
i) Statement of claim and duplicates of the statement of claim according to the number of the defendant (the duplicates of the statement of claim shall also be signed by the claimant).
ii) 表明原告身份的材料:
c.涉外当事人身份证明材料和授权委托书须经所在国公证机关和我国驻该国使、领馆认证;涉港、澳当事人身份证明材料及授权委托书须经司法部认可的港、澳有关律师或机构予以证明并进行公证; 涉台当事人身份证明材料及授权委托书须经台湾的公证机关证明。
ii) Documents which could prove the ID of the claimant:
a.ID card (if the party concerned is a natural person), or business license and identity certificate of a legal representative (if the party concerned is a legal person or other organization);
b. Power of Attorney (hereinafter referred to as POA) (if a proxy is entrusted by the parties concerned). Where the proxy is a lawyer, the letter of the law firm and a copy of lawyer’s certificate are also required. Where the proxy is a citizen, ID card and a certificate proving next of kin or employee, or a recommendation from the community, unit or relevant public organization are also required;
c. For foreign-related party, the ID documents and POA need to be notarized by the notary office in the nation the party resides and authenticated by Chinese embassy or consulate in that nation. For Hong Kong and Macao-related party, the ID documents and POA need to be certified and notarized by lawyers or institution in Hong Kong or Macao that is recognized by the Ministry of Justice of PRC. For Taiwan-related party, the ID documents and POA need to be certified by the notary office in Taiwan;
iii) 被告的身份证或营业执照复印件(如原告能获得,则提供;如原告无法获得,则提供被告的名称、地址、联系电话等基本信息即可)
iii) Copy of the ID or business license of the defendant (if the claimant can obtain such document, he shall provide it to the court, if the claimant is unable to obtain such document, basic information of the defendant including the name, address, telephone will suffice )
iv) 证据清单及证据,并按照被告人数提供副本。
iv) List of evidence and evidences, and duplicates of the same shall also be submitted according to the number of defendant.
v) Prepay the litigation cost.
2.2.3. 提交起诉的方式
当事人可通过网上提交、邮寄提交、现场提交三种方式提交起诉材料。选择网上提交的,可通过http://lsfwpt.zjsfgkw.cn/ 或宁波海事法院微信公众号提交材料。选择邮寄和现场提交的,可将起诉材料邮寄或现场提交给浙江省任何一家法院,也可将材料邮寄或现场直接提交给宁波海事法院本部和三个派出法庭,详细地址如下:
2.2.3. Methods Available to File a Lawsuit
Litigants may file a lawsuit by internet, post or in person. If one party chooses the online filing, he may access to http://lsfwpt.zjsfgkw.cn/ or wechat official account of our court to file the lawsuit. If one party chooses to file the lawsuit by post or in person, he may file to any court in Zhejiang Province by post or in person, or he may file to the headquarters of our court or any of the 3 tribunals with the addresses as follows:
Address of the headquarters of our court: No.727, Huizhan Road, Ningbo.
Tel: [0574-89285099/0574-89285088]
Address of the Maritime Tribunal for the Pilot Free Trade Zone:
No.305, Dingshen Road, Lincheng, Zhoushan.
Tel: 0580-2323358
Address of the Wenzhou Tribunal:
2nd Floor, Shenli Buidling, Chezhan Avenue, Wenzhou
Tel: 0577-88991840
Address of the Taizhou Tribunal:
No.97 (Tianhe Building), Tianhe Road, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou.
Tel: 0576-88685877
2.2.4. 本院咨询电话
本院咨询电话:12368, 0574-89285099, 0574-89285088。提供中文、英文和日文三种语言咨询服务。
2.2.4. Helpline of Our Court
The helpline of our court: 12368, 0574-89285099, 0574-89285088. Our court may provide advice in Mandarin, English and Japanese.
2.3. 应诉
2.3. Responding to an Action
2.3.1 被告应/可采取的行动
 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-29 10:34:12 | 显示全部楼层
2.3.1. Measures the Defendant shall/may Take
i) Shall sign and file the acknowledgement of service regarding the legal documents served by the court (including the copy of statement of claim, notice for responding to an action, summons and notice for providing evidence);
ii) Shall file a statement of defense within 15 days after receiving the copy of the statement of claim (if the defendant has no domicile in mainland China, the time limit for filing a statement of defense is 30 days), in which the defendant may admit the claim or rebut the claim;
iii) May file an application of  jurisdiction objection within the time limit of filing a statement of defense, if the defendant intends to dispute the court’s jurisdiction;
iv) Shall file evidence within the time limit specified notice for providing evidence;
v) Shall attend to the hearing on schedule;
vi) May participate in the legal proceedings by himself or by entrust 1 or 2 proxies to act on his behalf;
vii) May file a counterclaim if the defendant believe that the claimant was in violation of the contract or has infringed his legal rights in the dispute concerned.
2.4. 本院的管辖范围及受理案件范围
2.4. The Jurisdiction of Our Court
2.4.1. 管辖区域
2.4.1. Jurisdictional Areas
Our court has jurisdiction over first instance maritime and admiralty cases within jurisdictional areas which include the ports, islands, coastal water and inland rivers connecting the sea in Zhejiang Province, whereas cases occurred in Yangshan port and neighboring sea areas shall be governed by Shanghai Maritime Court.
2.4.2. 受理案件范围
2.4.2. Scope of Cases to be Entertained
Maritime court handles more than 100 types of cases under 6 categories, most of which concern disputes over contract of carriage of goods by sea, contract of freight forwarding, charter party, labor contract, damage caused by ship collision, compensation for maritime personal injuries or deaths, etc. Please refer to “Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on the Scope of Cases to be Entertained by Maritime Courts”.
2.5. 证据
2.5. Evidence
2.5.1. 收集证据 证据包括当事人的陈述、书证、物证、视听资料、电子数据、证人证言、鉴定意见、勘验笔录。收集证据一定要用合法的手段进行,法院不会采纳用非法手段获取的证据作为判案依据。
2.5.1. Collecting Evidence Evidences include statement of a party, documentary evidence, physical evidence, audio-visual recordings, digital data, witness’ testimony, expert conclusion and records of survey and inspection. Evidence shall be collected by legal means, or the court will not admit such evidence. 申请调查收集的证据属于国家有关部门保存并须人民法院依职权调取的档案材料,或属于涉及国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私的材料,或确因客观原因不能自行收集的其他材料,可申请法院调查收集证据,应提交调查取证申请书,且不得迟于举证期限届满前七日。 Where the evidence is the archive files kept by relevant organs of the state and can only be accessed by the court upon authority, or concerns state secrets, commercial secrets or personal privacy, or the evidence cannot be collected by the parties concerned due to objective reasons, the relevant party may request the court to investigate and collect such evidence, the party shall file an application for investigation and collecting evidence to the court at least 7 days prior to the expiration of the term for providing evidence.对那些可能灭失或者以后难以取得的证据,可以申请法院保全证据,应提交证据保全申请书,且不得迟于举证期限届满前七日。若因情况紧急,在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,利害关系人可在提起诉讼或者申请仲裁前向证据所在地、被申请人住所地或者对案件有管辖权的人民法院申请保全证据,应提交诉前证据保全申请书。 As to the evidence that may be destroyed or lost or difficult to obtain in the future, a party may apply to the court for preservation of the evidence, the party shall file an application for preservation of evidence to the court at least 7 days prior to the expiration of the term for providing evidence. Under emergency circumstances, if the evidence may be destroyed or lost or difficult to obtain in the future, an interested party may apply to the court where the evidence is located, or where the respondent resides, or which has jurisdiction over the case for preservation of evidence, before filing a lawsuit or applying for arbitration, and the interested party shall file an application for pre-suit preservation of evidence.
2.5.2. 提交证据
2.5.2. Submitting Evidence 期限
证据应在法院指定的举证期限内提交。如果在举证期限内提交证据材料确实存在困难,可以在举证期限内向法院提交延期举证申请书,申请延期举证。经法院准许后,可以适当延长。 Time Limit
Evidence shall be submitted to the court within the time period for providing evidence as prescribed by the court. In case any party concerned has real difficulty in providing evidence during the aforementioned time period, he shall file an application for extension of providing evidence. Upon approval of the court, the time limit for providing evidence may be extended. 形式要求
i) 书证、物证应当提交原件,提供原件或原物确有困难的,可提交复制品、照片、副本、节录本。提交外文书证,必须附有中文译本。
ii)当事人申请证人出庭作证的,应当在举证期限届满十日前向法院提交证人出庭作证的申请,征得法院准许。证人因出庭作证的合理费用,先由申请一方当事人垫付,由败诉一方当事人承担。证人若因健康原因、路途遥远、自然灾害或其他正当理由不能出庭的情形,经人民法院许可,可通过书面证言、视听传输技术或视听资料等方式作证。 Form Requirements
i) The original of the documentary evidence/ the original object of the physical evidence shall be submitted. In case there is real difficulty in providing the original, a duplicated object, photo, duplicated copy, excerpt may be submitted. Documentary evidence in a foreign language must be submitted with Chinese translation.  
ii)If one party intends to call witness, he shall file an application for permission to call witness at least 10 days before the time limit for providing evidence in order to seek approval of the court. Any reasonable cost occurred for such purpose shall be initially borne by the applicant, and will be borne by the losing party eventually. Where the witness cannot attend to the hearing due to health problem, long distance or force majeure or other reasonable causes, the court may allow taking the evidence in the form of written statement, or through video link.
2.6. 期间和送达
2.6. Time Limit and Service
2.6.1. 期间
i) 诉讼期间分法定期间和法院指定期间两种。法定期间直接由法律明确规定,一般情况下不得改变、不由当事人协商,比如:上诉期间、申请执行期间等。指定期间可以变更,法院可根据实际情况延长或缩短。比如,确定某日开庭等。
2.6.1. Time Limit
i) Time limit includes those prescribed by law and those designated by the court. Time limit prescribed by law cannot be amended in general and is not up to negotiation by litigants, such as time limit for appeal, time limit for application for enforcement, etc. Time limit designated by the court may be changed at the court’s discretion. And the court may as the case may be extend or shorten the period such as the time for hearing.  
ii) 期间以时、日、月、年计算,期间开始的时和日,不计算在期间内。期间届满的最后一日是节假日的,以节假日后的第一日为期间届满的日期。期间不包括在途时间,诉讼文书期满前交邮的,不算过期。
ii)Time limit is calculated by hour, day, month and year. The hour and day from which a time limit begins shall not be counted as within the time limit. If the expiry date of a time limit falls on a holiday, then the next day following the holiday shall be regarded as the expiry date. A time limit shall not include traveling time, so a litigation document that is mailed before the deadline shall not be regarded as overdue.
iii)If one party fails to meet the time limit due to force majeure or other reasonable causes, the party may file an application for extension of the time limit within 10 days after the obstacle disappears, and such application is subject to the approval of the court.
iv)Generally speaking, the time limit for a defendant to file a statement of defense is 15 days after receiving the statement of claim, whereas for defendant with no domicile in mainland China, the time limit for filing a statement of defense is 30 days. The time limit for filing an appeal is 15 days after receiving the judgment or is 10 days after receiving order, whereas for litigants with no domicile in mainland China, the time limit for appeal against a judgment or an order is 30 days.
2.6.2. 送达
2.6.2. Service
According to China law, service refers to service of legal documents by the court. Prescribed by the CPL, service includes personal service, service by leaving the legal documents, electronic service, service by entrust, service by post, service by transfer and service by public announcement. As for service of legal documents in maritime actions, in addition to types of service prescribed by the CPL, service can also be conducted in the following ways: serve on the agent ad litem entrusted by the person, or the representative office or branched established in mainland China or the business agent by the person on whom the legal document is to be served, or in other appropriate ways whereby the service can be acknowledged. Legal documents concerning arrest of ship can be served to the captain. Please see detailed information in the Chapter 7 of the CPL and the Chapter 7 of the SMPL and their associated judicial explanation. For service of legal documents out of mainland China, please refer to the Chapter 25 of the CPL.
2.7. 保全和先予执行
2.7. Preservation and Advanced Enforcement
2.7.1. 诉前财产保全
2.7.1. Pre-suit Preservation
One party whose lawful rights and interests would, due to urgent situation, suffer irretrievable damage without immediate application for preservation measures, may, before initiating a lawsuit or applying for arbitration, may file an application for pre-suit preservation to the court in place where property to be preserved or the respondent’s domicile is located or to the court having jurisdiction over the case. The applicant shall provide security and pay application fee, otherwise the court will dismiss his application. If the applicant fails to bring a lawsuit or apply for arbitration within 30 days after the pre-suit preservation is conducted, the court will cancel the preservation. If the application for preservation is wrong, the applicant shall compensate the respondent any loss incurred from the preservation.
2.7.2. 先予执行
2.7.2. Advanced Enforcement
One party may file an application for advanced enforcement to the court in respect of the following circumstances: claims for alimony, support for children or elders, pension, or expenses for medical care, claims for salary, or other urgent circumstances requiring advanced enforcement. The court will take into account the following aspects to decide whether or not grant the permission: whether the rights and obligation between the parties concerned are clear, whether the denial of the application would seriously affect the life or production operation of the applicant, and whether the respondent is capable of fulfilling the obligation. The court may request the applicant to provide security, and may dismiss the application if the security is not provided.
2.7.3. 诉讼保全
2.7.3 Litigation Preservation
If one party deems that there might be difficulty in enforcement or he may suffer other damage due to the other party’s behavior or other reasons, he may file an application for litigation preservation, request the court to rule to preserve other party’s properties, or order the other party to conduct or not to conduct certain acts. The court may request the applicant to provide security, and may dismiss the application if the security is not provided. The applicant shall also pay the application fee for preservation.
2.7.4. 船舶保全
2.7.4. Preservation of Ship
Preservation of ship refers to preventing transfer of ownership, mortgage and bareboat charter and so on but allowing the normal employment of the ship. One party may apply for preservation of ship prior to or after bringing a lawsuit. It only applies to Chinese ship.
2.7.5. 保全财产解除
2.7.5. Removal of the Property Preservation
In commercial cases where property has been seized, the court shall remove the property preservation if the respondent provides proper security.
2.7.6. 担保方式
2.7.6. Types of Security
One party may provide deposit, and the amount shall be at the discretion of the judge handling the case. Alternatively he may provide a letter of undertaking issued by legally-established insurance companies or institutions,the amount of security shall be equivalent to the amount to be preserved. If one party chooses the latter option, he may choose from the list of guarantee companies registered in our court (please refer to the table below), or visit our official website to check the most updated list of registered guarantee companies.
Insurance Companies & Tel
Ping An Property Insurance Company of China, Ltd. Ningbo Branch
Tel: 18667809198
Zheshang Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Ningbo Central Branch
Tel: 13605886663
Ningbo Kaisheng Guarantee Co., Ltd.
Tel: 13958220596/86283610
Ningbo Hongtai Guarantee Co., Ltd.
Tel: 13805866086
Ningbo Shun Ao Non-financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.
Tel:  15058438970
Zhoushan Dinghai District Economic Guarantee Co., Ltd.
Tel: 13957203598
Zhoushan Putuo District Credit Guarantee Co., Ltd.
Tel: 13656807775
Zhejiang Zhong An guarantee Group Co., Ltd.
Tel: 13780196363/15068270978
Taizhou Hexin Guarantee Investment Co., Ltd.
Tel:  13372371999
2.7.7.  复议
2.7.7. Reconsideration
If one party has objection to the court’s order concerning preservation or advanced enforcement, he may file an application for reconsideration, which could be granted only once. Enforcement of the order will not be suspended during the period of reconsideration.
2.7.8. 保全、先予执行错误的后果
2.7.8. Consequences of Wrongful Preservation and Advanced Enforcement
One party should be cautious to file application for preservation or advanced enforcement. If the preservation is wrong due to the applicant’s fault, he shall compensate the respondent any loss incurred from the preservation. If the applicant loses the case, he shall compensate the respondent any loss from the advanced enforcement.
2.7.9. 海事请求保全
关于海事请求保全的信息,请参见Part 3海事特别诉讼程序。
2.7.9. Preservation of Maritime Claims
For information regarding preservation of maritime claims, please refer to Part 3 The Special Maritime Procedure.
2.8. 诉讼费用
2.8. Litigation Cost
2.8.1. 种类和计算
2.8.1 Categories and Calculation
Litigation costs include court cost, application fee and other fees. Any party may access to http://www.zjsfgkw.cn/ReferenceCase/ssgj to check litigation costs.
2.8.2. 诉讼费用交纳和承担
2.8.2. Payment and Assumption of Litigation Costs
Litigants shall pay litigation costs as per relevant law and court’s direction. For instance, the claimant shall prepay the court cost within 7 days after receiving the notice of payment. If the defendant files a counterclaim, he shall prepay the court cost within 7 days after raising the counterclaim. If litigants fails to prepay the court cost in the aforesaid period and to apply for deferred payment, the case will be dismissed according to voluntarily dismissal. The court cost, the application fee shall be initially paid by the one raise the claim or the application, and will be subject to the ultimate decision of the court or negotiation of the parties concerned.
2.8.3. 司法救助
2.8.3. Judicial Aid
If one party satisfies the condition prescribed by the Chapter 6 of the Judicial Aid section of the Measures on Payment of Litigation Costs, he may file an application for litigation costs to be paid later or partially, or to be exempted.
2.9. 一审审判程序
2.9. Trial Procedures of First Instance
2.9.1. 适用程序种类
2.9.1. Types of Procedures
The court will decide which procedure to apply according to the circumstances of each case. Normally ordinary procedure, summary procedure or small claim procedure will be applied. For case concerning monetary payment claim or marketable securities claim and the parties concerned have no dispute, it may be switched to hastening procedure. Cases applying ordinary procedure will be tried by a collegial panel composed of both judges and judicial assessors or of judges alone, and the collegial panel shall have odd number of members. For simple maritime and admiralty case in which the facts and the rights and obligations are clear and with trivial dispute, summary procedure may be applied. For other cases, without violating the prescription of the Article 257 of the judicial explanation of the CPL, summary procedure may also applied based on agreement of the party concerned. Cases applying summary procedure will be tried by a single judge alone. Small claim procedure is also a summary procedure, but a further simplified summary procedure. For monetary payment claim in which the facts and the rights and obligations are clear and with trivial dispute, and with a subject matter less than 30% of the last year’s annual average wage of the employed in Zhejiang Province, small claim procedure will be applied. Such case will be tried by a single judge alone and is subject to first instance being final system.
2.9.2. 普通程序的庭审流程
2.9.2. Proceedings of Trial for Cases Applying Ordinary Procedure
Maritime and admiralty cases shall be tried in public, except for those involving state secrets or personal privacy or otherwise provided by law. Cases involving trade secrets may not be heard in public if either party files an application for not hearing in public.
The court will notify the parties concerned within 3 days after the members of collegial panel are determined. If one party intends to challenge the members of collegial panel, the court clerk, the translator, the appraiser or the surveyor and apply for recusal according to the Article 44 of the CPL, he may submit such application for recusal and reasons at the beginning of the proceeding or at least before the closing of the argument in the court hearing. The court will respond orally or in writing within 3 days after the application for recusal is submitted. Before the court’s decision has been made, the person being challenged shall be suspended from the proceeding, save in exceptional circumstances that require the taking and emergency measures. The applicant may apply for reconsideration once if he is not satisfied with the court’s decision, the person being challenged shall not be suspended from the proceeding during the period of reconsideration. The court will respond to the reconsideration application within 3 days.
The court will notify every party the time and location of court session 3 days before the hearing. If a case is tried in public, the name of parties concerned, the cause of action and the time and location of the court session will be announced publicly. Both the claimant and the defendant shall attend the hearing on time and bring ID card and other valid credentials and original copies of all litigation materials. After the summons being served, if any party cannot make the time due to reasonable causes, he may file an application for postponement of the hearing, which is subject to the approval of the court. If the claimant doesn’t attend to the hearing without reasonable causes, the case may be deemed being voluntarily withdrawn. If the defendant doesn’t attend to the hearing, the court may make a default judgment.
The court clerk will announce the court rules after checking each party’s ID, and the judge will announce the court hearing will begin. The judge will brief the information of the claimant and defendant and the cause of action. Then he will introduce the name of judge and clerk and ask the parties whether they intend to file an application for recusal. The judge will also check if each party is aware of their litigation rights and obligation. Next follows the court investigation, court debate and court mediation, as per the direction of the judge. In these phases, litigants are allowed to make statement, cross-examine evidences, express opinions, or offer mediation approach, etc. If litigant feels his opinions have not been presented sufficiently during the court hearing, he may submit his written closing submission after the hearing. As is usually the case, the written closing submission will precede the oral closing submissions.
The hearing may be postponed under the following circumstances according to the Article 146 of the CPL: the parties and other participants must attend the hearing but doesn’t appear due to reasonable causes, or the litigant makes an application for recusal without advance notice, or it is necessary to summon new witness to the court, collect new evidence, make a new expert evaluation or inspection or a supplementary investigation, etc.
2.9.3. 简易程序的庭审流程
海事法院虽与地方中级法院同级,但根据《海事诉讼特别程序法》的规定,对事实清楚、权利义务关系明确、争议不大的简单海商海事案件,也可适用简易程序审理。适用简易程序(包括小额诉讼程序)审理的案件, 开庭不受需提前3天通知当事人的限制,传唤当事人和证人、送达除裁判文书外的诉讼文书和审理案件都采用简便方式。庭审程序中法庭调查、法庭辩论的开展顺序也无需参照普通程序的规定。而其余庭审流程则参照普通程序进行。
2.9.3. Proceedings of Trial for Cases Applying Summary Procedure
Although the maritime court is at the same level as the local intermediate court, according to the SMPL, maritime court may apply summary procedure to trial simple maritime and admiralty cases in which the facts, rights and obligations between parties concerned are clear and the disputes is minor. For cases applying summary procedure(including small claim procedure), the court hearing is not subject to a 3 days prior notice requirement. The court takes a simple and convenient way to summon the parties concerned and witness, to serve litigation documents excluding judgment documents and to trial the case. The court investigation and court debate proceedings in hearing are not subject to the requirements and order prescribed for normal procedure. The rest is consistent with that applied in ordinary procedure.
2.9.4. 程序转换
2.9.4. Procedure Switch
If the court deems it is not suitable to trial the case by summary procedure(including small claim procedure), it will order to switch to ordinary procedure. Where the litigant raises objection to the application of summary procedure and such objection is reasonable, the court may order to switch to ordinary procedure.
2.9.5. 中止诉讼和终结诉讼
{C}a. {C}一方当事人死亡,需要等待继承人表明是否参加诉讼的;
{C}b. {C}一方当事人丧失诉讼行为能力,尚未确定法定代理人的;
{C}c. {C}作为一方当事人的法人或者其他组织终止,尚未确定权利义务承受人的;
{C}d. {C}一方当事人因不可抗拒的事由,不能参加诉讼的;
{C}e. {C}本案必须以另一案的审理结果为依据,而另一案尚未审结的等。待中止诉讼的原因消除后,恢复诉讼。
2.9.5. Suspension and Termination of Litigation
According to the Article 150 of the CPL, the legal proceedings will be suspended in any of the following circumstances:
{C}a. {C} One of the parties dies and it is necessary to wait for his heir or heiress to make clear whether to participate or not in the proceedings;
{C}b. {C} One of the parties has lost the capacity to engage in the litigation and his agent ad litem has not been designated yet;
{C}c. {C} The legal person or any other organization as one of the parties has dissolved, and the successor to its rights and obligations has not been determined yet;
{C}d. {C} One of the parties is unable to participate in the proceeding for reasons of force majeure;
{C}e. {C} The adjudication of the case is dependent on the result of the other pending case, etc. The proceeding shall resume after the causes for suspension have been eliminated.
a. 原告死亡,没有继承人,或者继承人放弃诉讼权利的,
b. 被告死亡,没有遗产,也没有应当承担义务的人的等。
According to the Article 150 of the CPL, the legal proceedings will be terminated in any of the following circumstances:
a. The claimant dies without a successor, or the successor waives the right to litigate;
b. The decedent defendant leaves no estate, nor anyone to succeed to his obligations, etc.
2.9.6. 审限
2.9.6. Trial Time-limit
Generally speaking, cases tried by summary procedure shall be concluded within 3 months, and cases tried by ordinary procedure shall be concluded within 6 months. Cases under exceptional circumstances that require extension of trial period may be extended upon approval. There is no trial time-limit for foreign-related case.
2.10. 上诉
2.10. Appeal
2.10.1. 如何上诉
2.10.1. How to Appeal
If one party is not satisfied with the judgment or order (except as otherwise prescribed by law, appeal can only be filed for 3 types of orders, e.g. order of refusal to entertain a case, order concerning objection to jurisdiction of the court, order of dismissal of a complaint)made by Ningbo Maritime Court, he may raise an appeal. The time limit for filing an appeal is 15 days after receiving the judgment or is 10 days after receiving order, whereas for litigants with no domicile in mainland China, the time limit for appeal against a judgment or an order is 30 days. The appellant shall submit the appeal documents to Ningbo Maritime Court or Zhejiang High People’s Court.  
2.10.2. 需要提交的材料和遵循的要求
a. 上诉申请书,并按照被申请人和原审其他当事人的人数提交副本(上诉人也应签署上述状副本);
b. 上诉人、被上诉人的身份证明文件(参见Part 2.2.2 ii);
c. 一审审判决书、裁定书;
2.10.2. Documents Required and Requirements to be Followed
Documents required including:
a. Appeal application and its duplicates according to the number of the appellee or other parties of the original trial (the duplicates of the appeal shall also be signed by the appellant);
b. Documents which could prove the ID of the appellant and the appellee (please refer to Part 2.2.2 ii);
c. The judgment or the order of the first instance to be challenged;
d. Evidences or other materials which may support the appeal.
2.10.3. 上诉程序概要
一般来说,二审法院对上诉案件,将组成合议庭,开庭审理。但合议庭认为不需要开庭审理的,可不开庭审理。对判决的上诉案件,应自二审立案日起3个月内审结, 除非有特殊情况的,经批准可延长。对裁定的上诉案件,应自二审立案日起30天内审结。二审的判决、裁定、调解书应为终审决定。
2.10.3. Briefs of the Appeal Procedure
Generally speaking, the second-instance court will form a collegial panel to conduct a trial. However, if the collegial panel deems unnecessary, the case may be tried without a court trial. The appeal against a judgment shall be concluded within 3 months after the appeal is accepted by the second-instance court, save in exceptional circumstances that the period may be extended subject to approval. Whereas the appeal against an order shall be concluded within 30 days after the appeal is accepted and registered by the second-instance court. The decision of the second-instance court shall be final.
2.11. 再审
2.11. Retrial
2.11.1. 如何启动再审
i) 除了《民事诉讼法》第198规定的法院决定再审、以及《民事诉讼法》第208条规定的检察院抗诉的情形外,当事人对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,认为有错误的,可以向上一级法院申请再审;当事人一方人数众多或者当事人双方为公民的案件,也可向原审法院申请再审。当事人对已经发生法律效力的调解书,提出证据证明调解违反自愿原则或调解协议的内容违反法律的,可申请再审。
2.11.1. How to Initiate a Retrial
i) Except for circumstances prescribed in the Article 198 of the CPL about retrial initiating by the court, and in the Article 208 of the CPL about protest against the court’s decisions raised by the procuratorate, if one party deems that there is error in a legally effective judgment or order, he may file a retrial application to the court at the next higher level. In cases either the claimant or the defendant involves a large number of parties or where both the claimant and the defendant are individuals, the retrial application may be submitted to the court originally tried the case. As for legally effective consent judgment, if one party may provide evidence to prove that the mediation violates the principle of voluntary or the mediation agreement violates the law, he may apply for retrial.
ii) 一般来说,当事人申请再审,应在判决、调解书、裁定发生法律效力后6个月内提出,例外4种情况详见《民事诉讼法》第205条。
ii) Application for retrial shall be filed within 6 months in general after the judgment, consent judgment, or order becomes legally effective, save 4 exceptional circumstances prescribed in the Article 205 of the CPL.
2.11.2. 再审程序概要
2.11.2. Briefs of Retrial Procedure
In general, the court will examine the retrial application and rule to permit or dismiss the application within 3 months after receiving such application. Save in exceptional circumstances that require extension of such period may be extended upon approval. As for the trial procedure, if the legally effective judgment, consent judgment or order was made by first instance court, the case will be tried in accordance with the procedure of first instance. Whereas if the legally effective judgment, consent judgment, order was made by second instance court, the case will be tried in accordance with the procedure of second instance and the judgment and order to be made should be final and cannot be appealed. If the case was brought up for retrial by the court at a higher level, it will be tried in accordance with procedure of second instance and the new judgment or order shall be final and cannot be appealed. The court will form a new collegial panel for the purpose of retrial, in which the

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members of the previous panel cannot participate.
2.11.3. 再审的效力
2.11.3. Effect of Retrial
For cases entering into retrial procedure, the enforcement of the original judgment, order or consent judgment shall be suspended, excepting for cases concerning claims alimony, supporting fee, cost of upbringing, pension, compensation for medical treatment, and wage.
2.12. 督促程序—支付令
2.12. Procedure for Hastening Debt Recovery – Order of Payment
2.12.1. 适用范围
用于债权人请求债务人给付金钱或有价证券的案件, 债权人和债务人无其他债务纠纷,且支付令能够送达债务人的,债权人可向有管辖权的基层法院申请支付令。海事法院虽与地方中级法院同级,但根据《海事诉讼特别程序法》的规定,债权人基于海事事由向债务人申请支付令的,可向有管辖权的海事法院申请。
2.12.1. Scope of Application
Procedure for hastening debt recovery is non-litigation procedure, among which order of payment is the most important type. For case concerning monetary payment claim or marketable securities claim, the parties concerned have no other disputes, and the order of payment can be served on the debtor, the creditor may apply to the competent primary people’s court for order of payment. Although the maritime court is at the same level as the local intermediate court, according to the SMPL, if a creditor intends to apply for order of payment against a debtor on basis of a maritime-related cause, he may apply to the competent maritime court.
a. 支付令申请书;
b. 申请人身份证明文件、委托代理人(如有)的授权文书(对身份证明及授权文书的要求参加Part 2.2.2 ii) ;
c. 证据清单及证据;
2.13.2. Application for Order of Payment
Documents required and requirements to be followed:
a. Application for order of payment;
b. ID of the applicant and POA of agent (if any) (Please refer to Part 2.2.2 ii) ;
c. List of evidence and evidences;
d. Pay the application fee.
2.12.3. 效力
i) 若债务人在受到支付令日起15日内未提出书面异议又不履行支付令,则债权人可向法院申请强制执行。
2.12.3. Effect
i) If the debtor, within 15 days after being served with order of payment, has neither raised objection in writing against nor performed the obligation of the order of payment, the creditor may apply to the court for enforcement.
ii) 若债务人在收到支付令后15日内提出书面异议,且经法院审查成立的,法院将裁定终结督促程序,支付令自动失效。
ii) If the debtor raises objection in writing within 15 days after being served with order of payment, and such objection is deemed tenable after assessment by the court, the court will order to terminate the procedure and the order of payment will be invalid.
2.13. 公示催告程序
2.13. Procedure for Public Notice for Assertion of Claims
2.13.1. 适用范围
2.13.1. Scope of application
The holder of a bill transferrable by endorsement may, if the note is stolen, lost or destroyed, apply to the primary court in the place where the bill is to be paid for public notice for assertion of claims. According to the SMPL, the maritime court may also accept such case. For example, the holder of bill of lading may, if the bill of lading is stolen, lost or destroyed, apply for public notice for assertion claims to the competent maritime court.
   2.13.2. 申请公示催告
a. 公示催告申请书;
b. 申请人身份证明文件、委托代理人(如有)的授权文书(对身份证明及授权文书的要求参见Part 2.2.2 ii) ;
c. 提单副本(如有);
d. 交纳申请费和公告费。
2.13.2. Application for Public Notice for Assertion of Claims
Documents required and requirements to be followed:
a. Application for public notice for assertion of claims;
b. ID of the applicant and POA of agent (if any) (Please refer to Part 2.2.2 ii);
c. Duplicate bill of lading (if any);
d. Pay the application fee and announcement fee.
2.13.3. 效力
i) 公示催告申请被受理后,法院将安排公告并向利害关系方发出通知。收到通知后,承运人应停止交付货物, 除非经申请人申请提货且提供担保、海事法院裁定准许后,才可放货。
2.13.3. Effect
i) After the public notice for assertion of claims application is accepted, the court will arrange an announcement and send a notice to the interested parties. Upon receipt of the notice, the carrier or the cargo holder shall stop release of the cargo, unless the applicant has applied for the release and provided security and the maritime court ruled that the cargo could be released.
ii) 公示催告期间,转让提单的行为无效。
ii) During the public notice period, the transfer of bill of lading is invalid.
iii) 公示催告期满,如无人申报,法院将判决并公告涉案提单无效,申请人可向承运人提货。若有人申报,法院将裁定公示催告程序终结。申请人或申报人可另行起诉。
iii) If no one declares after the public notice period expires, the court will rule and announce the bill of lading concerned invalid. The applicant is entitled to pick up the cargo. If someone declares, the court will order to terminate the public notice procedure. The applicant or the declarant may file a lawsuit.
Part 3 海事诉讼特别程序
Part 3 Special Maritime Procedures
3.1. 海事请求保全
3.1. Preservation of Maritime Claims
3.1.1 Ship Arrest
Arrest of ship refers to detaining a ship, which prevents removal of the ship, transfer of ownership, mortgage and bareboat charter. 扣押船舶的条件
除非为执行判决、仲裁裁决以及其他法律文书,只有《海事诉讼特别程序法》第21条规定的22种法定的海事请求才可以申请扣船,这22中法定的可申请扣船的海事请求与《1999年国际扣船公约》的第1.1条基本一致。 Conditions of Arresting a Ship
Except for the enforcement of a judgment, an arbitration award or other legal documents, the application of arrest of a vessel could only be filed on basis of the 22 types of maritime claims specified in the Article 21 of the SMPL, which is basically in line with the 22 categories of maritime claims defined in Article 1.1 of the 1999 Arrest Convention.可以扣哪些船?
i) 海事请求人可以申请扣押的船舶可以分为两种:当事船舶或姊妹船。从事军事、政府公务的船舶不得被扣押。 What Kinds of Ship are Permitted to be Arrested?
i) The applicant may apply for arrest of two kinds of ship, the ship concerned or sister ship(s). The vessels in military use or public service shall not be arrested.
ii) 在下列情况下可以申请扣押当事船舶:
a. 船舶所有人对海事请求负有责任,并且在实施扣押时是该船的所有人;
b. 船舶的光船承租人对海事请求负有责任,并且在实施扣押时是该船的光船承租人或者所有人;
c. 具有船舶抵押权或者同样性质的权利的海事请求;
d. 有关船舶所有权或者占有的海事请求;
ii) The vessel concerned could be applied for arrest if one of the following circumstances occurs:
a. The owner of the vessel is held liable for the maritime claim and is the owner of the vessel when it is arrested;
b. The bareboat charterer is held liable for the vessel and is the bareboat charterer or owner of the vessel when it is arrested;
c. Maritime claims with the right of mortgage or rights of similar nature concerning the vessel;
d. Maritime claims relating to the ownership or possession of the vessel;
e. maritime claims with liens concerning the vessel.
iii) An arrestable sister vessel is deemed to be the other vessels of the owner, bareboat charterer, time charterer or voyage charterer who are held liable for the maritime claims at the time of arrest, whilst the claims relating to the ownership or possession of the vessels could only apply for arrest of vessel concerned.
iv) 从另一个角度理解前述规定:一般来说,船舶只有在其所有人是海事请求的债务人时才可被扣押。但是,有两个例外情况。第一个是船舶处于光租状态,若光租人对海事请求负有责任,且在实施扣押时是该船的光船承租人。第二个例外是涉及到船舶优先权,具有船舶优先权的海事请求可对当事船舶申请扣押,无论该船所有权是否已经变更。
iv) To understand the aforementioned from another perspective: generally speaking, a ship can only be arrested unless her owner is the debtor of a maritime claim. However, there are two exceptions. The first exception is if a ship is under a bareboat charter and such ship can be arrested if the bareboat charterer of the ship is liable for the maritime claimant and is the bareboat charterer of the ship when it is arrested. The second is about maritime liens. Maritime claims which enjoy maritime liens may apply to arrest the ship concerned irrespectively of a transfer of ownership. 如何申请扣船?
i) 扣押船舶的申请应向船舶所在地的海事法院提出; How to File an Arrest Application
i) The application for the arrest of a vessel shall be filed towards the maritime court of the place where the vessel is situated.
ii) 需提交的资料:
a. 扣押船舶申请书;
b. 申请人的身份证明文件、委托代理人(如有)的授权文书(对身份证明及授权文书的要求参见Part 2. 2.2 ii) ;
c. 拟扣押船舶的信息;
d. 证据材料;
e. 担保(参见Part 3. 4.) ;
f. 交纳申请费。
ii) Documents required and requirements to be followed:
a. Application for arrest a ship;
b. ID of the applicant and POA of agent (if any) (Please refer to Part .2.2.2 ii) ;
c. Information regarding the ship concerned;
d. Evidential materials;
e. Security (please refer to Part 3.4);
f. Pay the application fee.
iii) 申请人申请扣押当事船舶的,不能立即查明被请求人名称的,不影响申请的提出。
iii) In case that the applicant who wishes to apply for arrest of the ship concerned but cannot promptly ascertain the name of the person against whom the claim is made, he may still apply for the arrest. 船舶扣押期限
诉前海事请求保全扣押船舶的期限为三十日。申请人于三十日内提起诉讼或者申请仲裁以及在诉讼或者仲裁过程中申请扣押船舶的,扣押船舶期限不受三十日限制。 Time Limit for Arrest of Ship
The time limit for pre-suit ship arrest is 30 days. Where a maritime claimant brings an action or applies for arbitration within the 30 days, or where a maritime claimant applies for arrest of a ship in the process of legal action or arbitration, arrest of the ship is not subject to the 30 days time limit. 船舶扣押期间由谁负责管理?
i) 船舶扣押期间应由船舶所有人或光船承租人负责管理,期间产生的费用由船舶所有人或光船承租人承担。 Who is Liable for Managing the Ship during the Arrest Period?
i) The owner or bareboat charterer shall be responsible for the maintenance and management of the ship and bear the costs incurred during the arrest period.
ii) 船舶扣押期间,船舶所有人或光船承租人不履行管理职责的,法院可委托申请人或者以摇号方式委托看管公司代为管理船舶,由此产生的费用由船舶所有人或者光船承租人承担,可在拍卖款中先行拨付。
ii) If the owner or bareboat charterer refuses or fails to maintain the ship, the court may appoint the applicant or may appoint a ship management company via lottery, to take over the management of the ship. In such cases, the costs incurred will be borne by the owner or bareboat charter or eventually be firstly deducted from the sale proceeds of the ship. 司法拍卖
i) 在提起诉讼或者申请仲裁后,有两种方式启动船舶拍卖:
a. 被申请人(被告)不提供担保,且船舶不宜继续扣押的,申请人(原告)可向扣押船舶的法院申请拍卖船舶;
b. 被申请人(被告)也可向扣押船舶的法院申请拍卖船舶. Judicial Sale of Ship
i) After filing a lawsuit or applying for arbitration, there are 2 ways to initiate the judicial sale of ship:
a. The respondent (the defendant) fails to provide security and it is not appropriate to keep the ship under arrest, the applicant (the claimant) may apply for judicial sale of the ship;
b. The respondent (the defendant) may apply for judicial sale of the ship.
ii) 拍卖方式:在淘宝网公开拍卖是本院司法拍卖的唯一形式。
  ii) Method of judicial sale: Sale by public auction on Taobao is the only available method of judicial sale in our court.
iii) 拍卖流程
iii) Judicial sale
Our court will publish the judicial sale announcement for 3 consecutive days on www.taobao.com and the related newspapers, the announcement period will be no less than 30 days.
3.1.2. 扣押船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料
3.1.2. Attachment of Cargoes, Ship Fuel Oil, and Ship Materials 扣押条件
拟申请扣押的船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料,必须属于被请求人所有。 Condition
The cargo, a ship’s bunkers or provisions against which an attachment is applied for shall be owned by the person against whom the claim is made. 船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料扣押期限
诉前海事请求保全扣押船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料的期限为十五日。申请人于十五日内提起诉讼或者申请仲裁以及在诉讼或者仲裁过程中申请扣押的,扣押期限不受十五日限制。 Time Limit for Attachment of Cargoes, Ship Fuel Oil, and Ship Materials
The time limit for pre-suit attachment of cargoes, ship fuel oil, and ship materials is 15 days. Where a maritime claimant brings an action or applies for arbitration within the 15 days, or where a maritime claimant applies for such preservation in the process of legal action or arbitration, the preservation is not subject to the 15 days time limit. 如何申请拍卖船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料
参照上述关于扣押和拍卖船舶的要求及程序。 How to Apply for Auction of Cargoes, Ship Fuel Oil, and Ship Materials?
Please refer to the requirements and procedures regarding arrest of ship and judicial sale of ship.
3.2. 海事强制令
3.2. Maritime Injunction
3.2.1. 海事强制令的适用范围
3.2.1. Application Scope of Maritime Injunction
Maritime injunction applies to maritime claims that do not require performance of monetary obligation but request the court to compel the person against whom a claim is made to do or not to do certain things. For instance, claims concerning shipper requests the carrier to issue bill of lading after cargo has been delivered, or cargo owner requests the carrier to release his cargo, etc.
3.2.2. 如何申请海事强制令
i) 起诉前,向海事纠纷发生地海事法院提出申请;诉讼中,向受理案件的海事法院提出申请。
3.2.2. How to Apply for Maritime Injunction?
i) Before bringing a lawsuit, the applicant may file an application to the maritime court of the place where the maritime dispute arose. During the trial, such application shall be filed to the court handling the case.
ii) 应提交的材料及遵循的要求:
a. 海事强制令申请书,
b. 申请人身份证明文件、委托代理人(如有)的授权文书(对身份证明及授权文书的要求参见Part 2.2.2. ii) ;
c. 需要纠正被请求人违反法律规定或合同约定的行为,不立即作出海事强制令将会使申请人合法权益受到损害或损害扩大的证据;
d. 担保(参见Part 3. 4.);
e. 交纳申请费。
ii) Documents required and requirements to be followed:
a. Application for maritime injunction;
b. ID of the applicant and POA of agent (if any) (Please refer to Part ii) ;
c. Evidences proving that there is a need to correct the respondent’s behavior that violated relevant law or contract, and the legitimate rights of the applicant would be damaged or damage would get worse if maritime injunction is not granted forthwith;
d. Security (please refer to Part 3. 4. ) ;
e. Pay the application fee.
3.2.3. Consequences of Wrongful Application of Maritime Injunction
If the applicant has wrongly applied for a maritime injunction, he shall indemnify the respondent or the interested person for losses thus incurred.
3.3. 海事证据保全
i) 起诉前,向被保全的证据所在地海事法院提出申请;诉讼中,向受理案件的海事法院提出申请。
3.3. Preservation of Maritime Evidence
i) Before bringing a lawsuit, the applicant may file an application to the maritime court of the place where the evidence is. During the trial, such application shall be filed to the court handling the case.
a. 海事证据保全申请书,
b. 申请人身份证明文件、委托代理人(如有)的授权文书(对身份证明及授权文书的要求参见Part ii) ;
d. 担保(参见Part 3. 4.);
ii) Documents required and requirements to be followed:
a. Application for preservation of maritime evidence;
b. ID of the applicant and POA of agent (if any) (Please refer to Part ii) ;
c. The evidence applied to be preserved may prove the maritime claim concerned and might be destroyed or lost or hard to obtain, unless preservation is immediately executed;
d. Security (please refer to Part 3. 4. );
e. Pay the application fee.
3.4. 海事担保
3.4. Maritime Security
3.4.1. 担保方式
担保方式包括提供现金或者保证、设置抵押或者质押。以担保函担保的,参见Part 2.7.5的规定。以设置抵押或质押担保的,因程序较复杂故实践中很少被采用,故不详述。
3.4.1 Types of Security
The types of security include cash, guarantee, mortgage or pledge. Please refer to Part 2.7.5 if one chooses letter of undertaking as the guarantee. As guarantee by mortgages or pledge is a bit complicated, they are rarely used in practice, so it is not detailed.
3.4.2. 担保的方式和数额由谁决定?
i) 申请人提供的担保方式和数额由海事法院决定。被申请人提供担保的方式和数额由申请人和被申请人协商,协商不成的,由海事法院决定。
3.4.2. Who Determines the Type and Amount of Security?
i) The type and amount of guarantee provided by the applicant shall be determined by the maritime court. The type and amount of the guarantee provided by the respondent shall be negotiated by the applicant and the respondent, and if the negotiation fails, the maritime court will decide.
ii) 一般来说,申请人要求被申请人就海事请求保全提供担保的数额,应当与其债权数额相当,但不得超过被保全的财产价值,请求担保的数额过高,造成被申请人损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
ii) Generally speaking, the amount that the applicant requires the respondent to provide guarantee shall be equivalent to the amount of the claim, but shall not exceed the value of the property to be preserved. If the amount of the guarantee requested is too high and cause loss to the respondent, the applicant shall bear the responsibility.
3.4.3. 申请扣押船舶担保金额的确定
i) 应相当于船舶扣押期间可能产生的各项维持费用与支出、因扣押造成的船期损失和被申请人为使船舶解除扣押而提供担保所支出的费用。船舶扣押后,申请人提供的担保不足以赔偿可能给被申请人造成损失的,海事法院可责令申请人追加担保。若申请人申请扣船错误,申请人提供的担保,将用于赔偿被申请人的损失。
3.4.3. What Amount of Security is Required for Arrest of Ship?
i) The amount of the security shall be assessed so as to reflect the cost and expense of maintaining the ship under arrest; the loss of earnings during the arrest; and the cost incurred by the respondent in providing security for release of the ship. If the security provided subsequently proves to be insufficient to cover the loss potentially suffered by the respondent, the court may order the applicant to provide top-up security. If the arrest is found to be wrongful, the security provided by the applicant will be paid to compensate the loss suffered by the respondent.
ii) 例外情形:因船员劳务合同、人身损害赔偿纠纷申请扣押船舶,且事实清楚、权利义务关系明确的,法院可以不要求提供担保。
ii) The exceptions:If the arrest application is raised due to claims arising out of crew labor contract or claims in respect of personal injury and death, in which the facts and the rights and obligations are clear,the court may, at its discretion, do not require security.
3.5. 部分海事海商案件审判程序的特别规定
3.5. Special Provisions for Trial of Several Maritime and Admiralty Cases
3.5.1. 船舶碰撞案件审判程序的特别规定:
i) 原告起诉时、被告答辩时,必须如实填写《海事事故调查表》。法院在向当事人送达起诉状或答辩状时,不附送有关证据材料;
3.5.1. Special Provisions for Trial of Collision Cases
i) Both the claimant and the defendant shall fill in the Investigation Form for Maritime Accident truthfully at the time of bringing an action and of submitting defense respectively. The court will not send evidences when serve the state of claim to the defendant or defense to the claimant.
ii) 当事人只有在完成举证且向海事法院出具完成举证说明书后,才可申请查阅有关船舶碰撞的事实证据材料;
ii) The parties concerned may apply to the court for disclosure of evidences concerning ship collision only after they have submitted all evidences and a statement to that effect.
iii) 当事人不能推翻其在《海事事故调查表》中的陈述和已经完成的举证,除非有新的相反证据证明,且有充分理由说明该证据开庭前尚未掌握或未能获得、因而未能在开庭前提交;
iii) The parties may not reverse the statement made in the Investigation Form for Maritime Accident or the evidences submitted, unless there is new evidence to the contrary and there are reasonable causes that the evidence cannot be known or be obtained before the hearing thus cannot submitted before such time.
iv) 一般情况下,审理期限是一年。
iv) The time limit for trial is 1 year in general.
3.5.2. 共同海损案件审判程序的特别规定
i) 当事人就共同海损的纠纷,可协议委托理算机构理算,也可以直接向海事法院提起诉讼后再委托理算。
3.5.2. Special Provisions for Trial of General Average Cases
{C}i) {C}As to general average case, the party concerned may either mutually agree to entrust adjustment institution to have it adjusted, or directly bring an action to maritime court.
{C}ii) {C}理算机构作出的共同海损理算报告,当事人没有提出异议的,可以作为分摊责任的依据;当事人提出异议的,由海事法院决定是否采纳。
ii) The general average statement made by average adjusters may be admissible as the basis to allocate liabilities if no objection is raised by any of the parties. If one party raises objection, the maritime court will decide whether accept the statement or not.
{C}iii) {C}当事人对共同海损理算报告提出异议,经法院审查异议成立,需要补充理算或重新理算的,有关费用由异议人垫付,异议人拒绝垫付费用的,视为撤销异议。
iii) If the party concerned raise objection to the general average adjustment report, and such objection is approved by the court and there is a need to supplement or redo the adjustment, the party who raise the objection shall prepay the cost. If the objector refuses to pay the fee, the objection shall be deemed as voluntarily dismissed.
iv) 一般情况下,审理期限是一年。
iv) The time limit for trial is 1 year in general.
3.5.3. 海上保险人行使代位请求赔偿权审判程序的特别规定
i) 因第三人造成保险事故,保险人向被保险人支付保险赔偿后,在保险赔偿范围内可以代位行使被保险人对第三人请求赔偿的权利。海上保险人行使代位请求赔偿权申请参加诉讼的,应向本院提供保险人支付保险赔偿的凭证,该凭证具体指赔偿金收据、银行支付单据等,仅出具权利转让书不能作为保险人取得代位请求赔偿权利的事实依据;
3.5.3. Special Provisions for Trial of Exercising Subrogation Right by Marine Insurers
{C}i) {C}Where an accident covered was caused by a third party and the insurer has indemnified the insured, the insurer is entitled to claim compensation against the third party by exercising the right of subrogation up to the amount of the indemnity paid. If the marine insurer applies for participation in proceeding on basis of exercising subrogation right, it shall provide our court with the certificate of pay off the insurance compensation, which refers to the compensation receipt, the bank transfer document, etc. Only a subrogation receipt is not enough to support that the subrogation right is transferred to the insurer.
{C}ii) {C}保险人行使代位请求赔偿权利时,被保险人未向造成保险事故的第三人提起诉讼的,保险人应当以自己的名义向该第三人提起诉讼。保险人行使代位请求赔偿权利时,被保险人已经向造成保险事故的第三人提起诉讼的,保险人可以向受理该案的法院提出变更当事人的请求,代位行使被保险人对第三人请求赔偿的权利;被保险人取得的保险赔偿不能弥补第三人对其造成的全部损失的,保险人和被保险人可作为共同原告向第三人请求赔偿。
ii) In exercising the right of subrogation, the insurer shall, bring an action in its own name against the third party that caused the accident covered, if no action has been brought by the insured against that third party. If the insured has already filed a lawsuit against the third party causing the insurance accident when the insurer intends to exercise the right of subrogation to claim compensation, the insurer may apply to the court to replace the claimant so to subrogate the insured’s request to the third party. If the insurance cannot cover the insured the total loss caused by the third party, the insurer and the insured may request compensation from the third party as joint claimant.
3.6. 设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的程序
3.6. Procedures for Constitution of Limitation Fund for Maritime Claims
3.6.1. 哪些主体有权主张海事赔偿责任限制、可申请设立责任限制基金?
3.6.1. Who is Entitled to Ascertain the Right to Limitation Liability for Maritime Claims and Apply for Constitution of Limitation Fund?
Under China law, after the occurrence of a marine accident, the ship-owner, charterer, operator, salvor or insurer is entitled to ascertain the right to limitation liability for maritime claims, and may apply to a maritime court for constitution of the limitation fund.
3.6.2. 必须设立责任限制基金吗?
3.6.2. Is It a Must to Establish a Limitation Fund?
The person liable who invokes the right of limitation liability for maritime claims, may or may not, at his own discretion, apply for constitution of limitation fund. That said, whether or not constitute a limitation fund will not affect his right to invoke or enjoy the right to limit his liability. However, in the event of oil pollution damage caused by a ship, the ship owner and the insurer or the person who provides financial security shall, for the purpose of obtaining the limitation right, constitute a limitation fund for maritime claims in respect of oil pollution damage.
3.6.3. 申请设立责任限制基金的期间?
3.6.3. Time Limit for Application of Constitution of Limitation Fund
Constitution of limitation fund may be applied for either before an action is brought or during the process of legal proceedings, or, at the latest, before the judgment of first instance is given.
3.6.4. 向哪个海事法院提起申请设立责任限制基金?
3.6.4. Which Maritime Court could be Applied for Establishing Constitution of Limitation Fund?
One party who intends to apply for constitution of a limitation fund for maritime claims before an action is brought shall file an application with the maritime court of the place where the accident occurred, the contract is performed or the ship is arrested. Whereas if one party intends to apply for constitution of limitation fund during the trial, he may file an application with one of the maritime court(s) which accepted cases concerning maritime claims incurred by the maritime accident concerned.
3.6.5. 应提交的材料及遵循的要求:
{C}a. {C}设立海事赔偿责任限制基金申请书;
{C}b. {C}申请人身份证明文件、委托代理人(如有)的授权文书(对身份证明及授权文书的要求参加Part II 2.2 ii));
{C}c. {C}证据清单及证据;
{C}d. {C}交纳申请费。
3.6.5. Documents Required and Requirements to be Followed:
{C}a. {C}Application for constitution of limitation fund;
{C}b. {C}ID of the applicant and POA of agent (if any) ( Please refer to Part 2.2.2. ii);
{C}c. {C}List of evidence and evidences;
d. Pay the application fee.
i) 海事法院受理设立责任限制基金申请后,应当在七日内向已知的利害关系人发出通知,同时通过报纸或者其他新闻媒体发布公告. 利害关系人对申请人申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金有异议的,应当在收到通知之日起七日内或者未收到通知的在公告之日起三十日内,以书面形式向海事法院提出。
3.6.6. Proceedings for Constitution of Limitation Fund
i) The maritime court shall, within seven days of the acceptance of an application for constitution of a limitation fund for maritime claims, notify all the interested persons already known and issue an announcement of the same in the newspapers or other news media. Any interested person who objects to the application filed by the applicant for constitution of a limitation fund for maritime claims shall file in writing with the maritime court within seven days from the date of receipt of the notice, or within 30 days from the date of the announcement if no notice is received.
ii) 对异议,海事法院的审查范围限于以下3个方面:
a. 设立基金申请人是否属于有权主张责任限制的主体范围;
b. 事故所涉及的债权性质;
c. 申请设立基金的数额。
ii) In response to the objections, the maritime court will only assess the following 3 aspects:
a. Whether the applicant falls within the scope that are entitled to invoke limitation of liability right;
b. The characteristic of the claims incurred by the accident;
c. The amount of the limitation fund.
After the assessment, the maritime court will order approve or dismiss the application.
iii) 当事人对裁定不服的,可向浙江省高级人民法院提起上诉。
iii) The parties concerned may appeal to the Zhejiang High People’s court if not satisfied with the order.
iv) 若最终裁定准许申请责任限制基金的,申请人应自裁定生效后3日内设立基金,否则按自动撤回申请处理。
iv) If the final order grants the permission, the applicant shall establish the fund within 3 days after the court order becomes effective, otherwise the application shall be deemed being voluntarily withdrawn.
3.6.7. 设立基金的方式
3.6.7. Methods of Constitution of Limitation Fund
A limitation fund for maritime claims may be constituted either by depositing cash or by providing security. Only the security issued by bank or other financial institutions in mainland China is acceptable.
3.6.8 基金的数额
3.6.8. Amount of Limitation Fund
The sum of the limitation fund for maritime claims shall cover the amount of liability to be limited and any interest accruing from the date of the accident up to the date of constitution. Where the fund is constituted by way of security, the amount of the security shall cover the amount of the fund and any interest accruing thereon during the period of such constitution.
3.6.9. 设立基金的效力
i) 责任限制基金设立后,责任人被扣押的船舶或其他财产应立即解扣,属于限制性债权的债权人,不得就该债权对责任人的任何财产行使任何权利,不属于限制性债权的债权人不受此限制。
3.6.9. Effect of Constitution of Limitation Fund
i) After the constitution of the limitation fund, the person liable’s ship or other property detained shall be immediately released. The creditor whose claim falls into the scope of claims subject to limitation shall not, on basis of such claim, exercise any right on any property of the person liable. Creditors, whose claims are not subject to limitation, are not subject to the aforesaid restriction.  
ii) 责任限制基金设立后,因同一事故产生的海事请求案件都集中到设立基金的海事法院审理,除非当事人间订有有效诉讼管辖协议或仲裁协议。
ii) After the constitution of the limitation fund, the maritime claims arising from the same maritime accident concerned shall be consolidated to the maritime court where the limitation fund is constituted, except for there is a valid litigation jurisdiction agreement or arbitration agreement between the parties.
3.7. 债权登记与受偿程序
3.7. Procedure for Credit Registration and Repayment of Debts
After the announcement of the auction of a ship, the creditors shall, within the time limit announced, apply for registration of their claims relating to the ship to be auctioned. After maritime court announced the acceptance of the application to constitute a limitation fund for maritime claims, the creditors shall, within the time limit announced, apply for registration of their claims relevant to the maritime accident concerned.
3.7. Procedure for Credit Registration and Repayment of Debts
3.7.1. 如何申请债权登记
a. 债权登记申请书;
b. 申请人身份证明文件、委托代理人(如有)的授权文书(参见Part 2.2.2 ii);
c. 证据清单及证据(包括证明债权的具有法律效力的判决书、裁定书、调解书、仲裁裁决书和公证债权文书,以及其他证明具有海事请求的证据材料);
d. 交纳申请费。
3.7.1. How to Apply for Credit Registration
Documents required and requirements to be followed:
a. Application for credit registration;
b. ID of the applicant and POA of agent (if any) (Please refer to Part 2.2.2 ii) ) ;
c. List of evidence and evidences (legally effective judgment, order, consent judgment, arbitral award, notarized document concerning creditor's rights to debt and other evidences) ;
d. Pay the application fee.
3.7.2. 未按时申请债权登记的后果
i) 就拍卖船舶的公告,债权人在公告期间届满未登记相关债权的,视为放弃在本次拍卖船舶价款中受偿的权利,但债权人还有权向债务人的其他财产主张权利。
3.7.2. Consequences of not Applying for Credit Registration on Time
i) With respect to ship auction announcement, if the creditor fails to register relevant claim during the period announced, he shall be deemed to have waived the right to be compensated from the proceeds of the auction, but the creditor is entitled to claim compensation from the debtor's other property.
ii) 设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的公告发布后,债权人在公告期间届满未登记相关债权的,视为放弃债权,债权人不得向责任人的其他任何财产主张权利。
ii) With respect to announcement of constitution of limitation Fund, if the creditor fails to register relevant claims during the period announced, he shall be deemed to have waived the debt, and the creditor shall not claim rights from any other property of the person liable.
3.7.3. 确权诉讼与债权确认
i) 债权人提供生效判决、裁定或调解书等以外的其他海事请求证据的,应当在办理债权登记后,在受理债权登记的海事法院提起确权诉讼。当事人之间订有仲裁协议的,应及时申请仲裁。
3.7.3. Action for Affirming Maritime Claims and Credit confirmation
i) Pursuant to the instructions of the maritime court, or if the creditor provides evidences other than legally effective judgment, order or consent judgment, the creditor shall, after the registration of the claims, file an action affirming maritime claims. Where there is an arbitration agreement between the parties, they shall apply for arbitration in a timely manner.
ii) 债权人提供证明债权的判决书、裁定书、调解书、仲裁裁决书或者公证债权文书的,海事法院经审查认定上述文书真实合法的,将裁定予以确认。
ii) Under circumstances that the creditor provides with the court the judgment, order, consent judgment, arbitral award, or the notarized document to prove his credit, the maritime court, believing such document is true and lawful after assessment, will order to confirm the credit.

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{C}iii) {C}确权诉讼实行一审终审制。
iii) Action affirming maritime claims is subject to first instance being final system.
3.7.4. 如何分配船舶拍卖款和责任限制基金?
3.7.4. How to Distribute the Sale Proceeds of Auctioned Ship and the Limitation Fund?
i)The court will convene a creditors’ meeting and negotiate the distribution plan. If the creditors’ meeting fails to reach any agreement, the court will distribute the sale proceeds/limitation fund according to law.
ii) 船舶拍卖款受偿顺序:拍卖、变卖船舶所得价款及其利息,应当先行扣除责任人承担的诉讼费用,为保存、拍卖船舶和分配船舶价款产生的费用,以及为债权人的共同利益支付的其他费用,之后再按照具有船舶优先权的海事请求、由船舶留置权担保的海事请求、由船舶抵押权担保的海事请求的顺序分配,剩余款项分配给与被拍卖、变卖船舶有关的其他海事债权。每一分配顺序的款项不足以分配的,按比例分配。 
ii) Order of priority for distribution of sale proceeds: the sale proceeds and its interests shall be distributed, first, to pay legal expenses for which the debtor is responsible, expenses incurred in connection with the arrest and sale of the ship, and expenses and costs incurred in the common interests of creditors generally. After deduction of these expenses, the remaining proceeds are distributed to claims secured by way of maritime lien, possessory lien, or mortgage, in that order. Any remaining surplus will be distributed to other registered and confirmed maritime claims relating to the ship. If it is not adequate to cover all claims in that distribution order, the proceeds are distributed in proportion.
iii) 海事赔偿责任限制基金的分配顺序
a. 同一事故的人身伤亡赔偿责任限制基金,不足以支付全部人身伤亡的赔偿请求的,其差额与同一事故的非人身赔偿请求并列,参与非人身赔偿责任限制基金的按比例分配;
b. 同一事故的非人身赔偿责任限制基金,扣除上述人身损害赔偿差额参与分配的金额后,优先分配对港口工程、港池、航道和驻航设施的赔偿请求,不足分配的,按比例分配;
c. 上述两项分配后有剩余的,由其他非人身伤亡的赔偿请求按比例进行分配。
iii) Allocation order of limitation fund for maritime claims
a. If the limitation fund for personal casualty of the same accident is insufficient to pay for all personal injury or death claims, the shortcomings shall be in parallel with the non-personal injury compensation claims for the same accident, and participate in the proportional distribution of the limitation fund for non-personal casualty.
b. After deducting the amount of the personal injury compensation involved in the distribution, the limitation fund for non-personal casualty of the same accident shall preferentially allocate compensation claims for port projects, harbors, waterways and berthing facilities.
c. If there is any remaining after the above two allocations, the compensation claims for other non-personal casualty shall be distributed proportionally.
3.8. 船舶优先权催告程序
{C}i) {C}应提交的材料及遵循的要求:
{C}a. {C}船舶优先权催告申请书;
{C}b. {C}申请人身份证明文件、委托代理人(如有)的授权文书(参见Part 2.2.2 ii的);
{C}c. {C}证据清单及证据(船舶转让合同、船舶技术资料等);
{C}d. {C}交纳申请费。
ii) 申请应向转让船舶交付地或受让人住所地海事法院提出。
3.8. Procedure for Public Notice for Assertion of Maritime Liens
Where a ship is transferred, the transferee may apply to the maritime court for public notice for assertion of maritime liens, demanding the party who enjoys maritime lien to assert his right promptly so as to extinguish the maritime lien attached to the ship.
{C}i) {C}Documents required and requirements to be followed:
{C}a. {C}Application for public notice for assertion of maritime liens;
{C}b. {C}ID of the applicant and POA of agent (if any) ( Please refer to Part 2.2.2 ii);
{C}c. {C}List of evidence and evidences (the contract for ship transfer, technical data of the ship, etc.);
d. Pay the application fee.
ii) The application shall be filed with the maritime court of the place where the ship concerned is delivered or the transferee is located.
Part 4 执行
Part 4 Enforcement
4.1. 管辖
4.1. Jurisdiction
4.1.1. General Regulations
A legally effective civil judgment, order, or consent judgment produced by the court for legal effect shall be executed by the same court. Refer to Article 224, Section 1, and Article 234 of the CPL.
4.1.2. Choosing Jurisdiction
Where two or more courts all have jurisdiction, the party may apply to one of the courts for enforcement. If the party applies to two or more courts for enforcement, it shall be under the jurisdiction of the court that first filed the case.
4.2 申请
4.2. Application
4.2.1. General Regulations of the Time Limit for Applying for enforcement
The time limit for applications to execute a legal instrument is two years. The provisions relating to the suspension or discontinuance of the litigation limitation period shall be applicable to the suspension or discontinuance of the limitation period for applications to execute a legal instrument. The time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph shall commence from the last day of the time limit for performance of obligation specified by a court ruling where the legal instrument provides the performance may be made by installments, the time limit shall commence from the last day of  the last installment. Where the legal instrument does not provide a time limit for performance, the time limit shall commence from the effective date of the legal instrument. Refer to Article 239 of the CPL.
Where the legal instrument in force stipulates that there is an obligation of non-action, the period of limitation of application shall be counted from the date on which the debtor breaches the obligation of inaction.
{C}a. {C}申请执行书;
{C}b. {C}生效法律文书副本;
{C}c. {C}申请执行人的身份证明;(自然人申请的,应当提交公民身份证、护照、港澳通行证、军官证等身份证明;法人或者其他组织申请的,应当提交法人营业执照副本或统一社会信用代码证书副本,法定代表人或者主要负责人身份证明);
{C}d. {C}继承人或权利承受人申请执行的,应当提交继承或者承受权利的证明文件;
{C}e. {C}委托代理人代为申请执行的,应当提交法律规定的委托代理手续等材料(参见Part 2.2.2 ii);
{C}f. {C}已申请财产保全的,应提交相关财产保全的材料;
{C}g. {C}其他应当提交的文件或证件。
4.2.2. The General Form Requirements for Application of Enforcement
The party shall submit the following documents and certificates when applying for enforcement:
{C}a. {C}Application for enforcement;
{C}b. {C}A copy of the legal instrument in force;
{C}c. {C}Applicant's identification (Where a natural person applies, he shall submit a citizenship ID card, a passport, a Hong Kong and Macao Pass, a military officer's card or other identification certificates; if a legal person or other organization applies for it, it shall submit a copy of the legal person's business license or a copy of the unified social credit code certificate, and the identifications of the legal representative or the principal responsible person);
d. If the heir or the right holder applies for enforcement, he shall submit the supporting documents for inheritance or bearing the rights;
e. If the entrusted agent applies for enforcement, he shall submit the entrusted agency materials and other materials required by law (Please refer to Part2.2.2ii);
f. If the property preservation has been applied, the relevant property preservation materials shall be submitted;
g. Other documents or certificates that should be submitted.
a. 申请执行仲裁裁决的,参照Part 1.3. 承认和执行仲裁裁决。
b. 申请执行公证债权文书的,应当提交公证债权文书及执行证书。
4.2.3. The Special Form Requirements for Application of Enforcement
a. To apply for the arbitral award, please refer to Part 1.3. Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards.
b. To apply for the enforcement of a notarized creditor's rights document, a notarized creditor's rights document and an enforcement certificate shall be submitted.
a. 申请执行的法律文书已经生效且该文书确定的履行义务所附的条件已经成就或者所附的期限已经届满;
b. 申请执行人是生效法律文书确定的权利人或其继承人、权利承受人;
c. 申请执行的法律文书权利义务主体明确;
d. 申请执行的法律文书具有给付内容且给付内容具体、明确;
e. 生效法律文书确定的义务未履行或未全部履行;
f. 属于本院管辖。
4.2.4. The Essential Requirements of the Application for Enforcement
The application for enforcement shall meet the following conditions:
a. The legal instrument applying for enforcement has entered into force and the conditions attached to the performance obligations established by the instrument have been fulfilled or the time limit attached has expired.
b. The applicant is the right holder as determined by the legal instrument in force, or his successor or right holder.
c. The subject of the legal instrument applying for enforcement is clear.
d. The legal instrument for application for enforcement contains payment obligation and the payment obligation is specific and clear.
e. The obligations identified in the legal instrument in force have not been fulfilled or not fully fulfilled.
f. The court has jurisdiction over the case.
4.3. 代理
4.3. Agent
4.3.1. 执行案件的委托代理
4.3.1. Entrusted Agent in Enforcement
It is consistent with the agent in the trial proceedings, which may refer to Article 58 of the CPL.
4.3.2. 委托代理手续
4.3.2. Entrusted Agency Procedures
The general entrusted agency procedures are consistent with the procedures for entrusted agency in the trial proceedings, which may refer to Article 59 of the CPL. 外籍当事人的委托代理
外国驻华使领馆授权其本馆官员,在作为当事人的本国国民不在中国领域内的情况下,可以以外交代表身份为其本国国民在中国聘请中国律师或者中国公民代理执行案件。 Entrusted Agency of Foreign Parties
The foreign parties in the enforcement case may entrust citizens from his own country as an agent, or may entrust a lawyer from his own country to act as a non-lawyer. If you need to entrust a lawyer as an agent, you must entrust a Chinese lawyer. Officials of foreign embassies and consulates in China, who are entrusted by their own citizens, may act as an agent in the name of an individual in the enforcement cases, but do not enjoy diplomatic or consular privileges and immunities in the enforcement procedures.
The foreign embassy or consulate in China may authorizes its official to hire a Chinese lawyer or a Chinese citizen in the name of a diplomatic representative to be agents in the enforcement case, when its nationals who are the litigants are not in the territory of China. 外籍当事人的委托代理手续
依照上述a、c规定,需要办理公证、认证手续,而外国当事人所在国与中华人民共和国没有建立外交关系的,可以经该国公证机关公证,经与中华人民共和国有外交关系的第三国驻该国使领馆认证,再转由中华人民共和国驻该第三国使领馆认证。 Entrusted Agency Procedures of Foreign Parties
a. One who participates in the enforcement procedure on behalf of a foreign enterprise or organization shall submit to our Court a certificate that he has the right to participate in the enforcement procedure as a representative. The certificate shall be notarized by the notary office of the country where the enterprise or organization is established or the third country where the business registration formalities is dealt, and shall be certified by the Embassy or Consulate of the People's Republic of China, or shall fulfill the certification procedures stipulated in the relevant treaty between the People’s Republic of China and the country.
b. When a foreigner, a foreign enterprise or a representative of an organization entrusts an agent to execute a case, it will be recognized by our Court that signing a power of attorney under the witness of the judge of the court, or signing a power of attorney in the territory of the People's Republic of China which has been notarized by a notary public of the People's Republic of China.
c. Under the circumstance that a foreigner who does not have a domicile in the territory of the People’s Republic of China, a stateless person, a foreign enterprise or organization entrusts a lawyer or other person of the People’s Republic of China to act as an agent to execute a case, a power of attorney sent or submitted from outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall only be effective when it has been certified by the notary office of the country and the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in that country, or has fulfilled the certification procedures stipulated in the relevant treaty between the People's Republic of China and that country.
In accordance with the provisions of (a) and (c) above, when it is necessary to go through the procedures of notarization and certification, but the country where the foreign litigant is from has not established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China, it need to be notarized by the notary office of this country, and the embassy or consulate of the third country with diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China, and then transferred to the Embassy or Consulate of the People's Republic of China in the third country for certification. 港澳台当事人的委托代理手续
我国台湾地区、香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区当事人委托他人代理执行案件,应当向本院提交由委托人签名或者盖章的授权委托书。授权委托书应当履行相关的公证、认证或者其他证明手续,但授权委托书在本院法官的见证下签署或者经中国大陆公证机关公证证明是在中国大陆签署的除外。 Entrusted Agency Procedures of the Parties from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
When the parties from Taiwan, Hong Kong , and Macao entrust others to act as agents, they shall submit to our Court a power of attorney signed or sealed by the principal. The power of attorney shall perform the relevant notarization, certification or other certification procedures, except that the power of attorney is signed under the witness of the judge of the court or is notarized by the notary office in China.
4.4. 执行担保
4.4. Enforcement Security
4.4.1. 一般规定
4.4.1. General Provisions
In the course of enforcement, if the person subjected to enforcement provides a guarantee, our Court may, with the consent of the person who has applied for enforcement, decide on the suspension of the enforcement and the time limit for such suspension. If he still fails to perform his obligations after the time limit, our court shall have the power to execute the property he provided as security or the property of the guarantor. Refer to Article 231 of the CPL.
4.4.2. 暂缓执行
4.4.2. The Suspension of the Enforcement
If the court decides to suspend enforcement, and the guarantee has a time limit, the time limit for suspension of enforcement shall be the same as the guarantee period, but the maximum period shall not exceed one year. If the person being executed or the guarantor has transferred, hidden, sold or damaged the property under warranty during the suspension of enforcement, the court may resume enforcement.
4.4.3. 执行担保的效力
4.4.3. The Effect of the Enforcement Security
If the person subject to enforcement fails to perform the obligations after the expiration of the time limit for the suspension of enforcement, the court may directly execute the secured property or making a ruling to execute the property of the guarantor, but the property of the guarantor which shall be executed is limited to the obligation that he has burdened.
4.5. 执行和解
4.5. Enforcement Reconciliation
4.5.1. 一般规定
4.5.1. General Provisions
In the process of enforcement, the parties may voluntarily reach a settlement agreement to change the person subject to enforcement, the subject matter and its amount, the time limit for performance and the manner of performance as determined by the legal documents in force.
4.5.2. 执行和解后的恢复执行
4.5.2. Resume Enforcement after Reconciliation
The applicant reached an agreement with the person subjected to enforcement under the opponent's fraud or coercion, or if the party fails to perform the reconciliation agreement, our court may resume the execution of the original legal instruments in accordance with the application of the party. Refer to the provisions of Article 230 of the CPL.
4.6. 执行异议程序
4.6. The Objection Procedure of the Enforcement
4.6.1. 执行行为异议
4.6.1. The Enforcement Acts Objection
During the enforcement, if the parties or interested persons deem that the enforcement acts of the court violate the provisions of the law or judicial interpretation, they may raise a written objection to this court. Refer to Article 225 of the CPL.
4.6.2. 执行行为异议的形式要件
4.6.2. The Form Requirements for the Enforcement Acts Objection
a. Objection application;
b. Identification documents of the dissenters;
c. Relevant evidence materials;
d. Addresses and contact information.
4.6.3. 案外人异议
4.6.3. The Outsiders Objection
During the enforcement, if the outsider claims ownership of the enforcement target or has other entity rights sufficient to exclude the enforcement of the transfer or delivery of the subject matter, he may file an outsiders objection to this court. Refer to Article 227 of the CPL.
4.6.4. 案外人异议的形式要件
a. 送达地址和联系方式。
4.6.4. The Form Requirements of Objection from the Outsider  
If an outsider raises an objection, he shall submit an application to the court. The application shall specify the specific objection request, facts, reasons, etc., and submit the following materials:
a. Objection application;
b. Identification documents of the dissenters;
c. Relevant evidence materials;
d. Addresses and contact information.
4.7. 执行费用
4.7.1. 执行费用计算方式
4.7. Enforcement fee
4.7.1. Calculation of Enforcement Fee
If there is no enforcement amount or price of the case, the enforcement fee of each case will be 50 yuan to 500 yuan. If the enforcement amount or price of the case does not exceed 10,000 yuan, each case shall be paid 50 yuan; the part exceeding 10,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan shall be paid according to 1.5%; the part exceeding 500,000 yuan to 5 million yuan shall be paid according to 1%; The part exceeding 5 million yuan to 10 million yuan shall be paid according to 0.5%; the part exceeding 10 million yuan shall be paid according to 0.1%.
4.7.2. 执行申请费速算表:
4.7.2. The Quick Calculation Form of the Enforcement Fee
Quick calculation form of the enforcement fee
Target amount
Speed calculation
Less than 10,000 yuan
10,000-500,000 yuan
500,000 yuan - 5 million yuan
5 million yuan - 10 million yuan
More than 10 million yuan
4.8. 执行风险提示
1. 执行申请超过法定的申请期限;
2. 申请执行的内容附有前置条件、时间的,申请执行时该条件、时间未成就;
3. 被执行人无财产的,属于执行不能。
4.8. The Risk Tips of Enforcement
1. The application of enforcement exceeds the statutory application period;
2. The content of the application is accompanied by preconditions and time, and the conditions and times are not fulfilled when the application is raised;
3. If the person being executed has no property, it is not enforceable.

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